Don’t Be a Job Shop Factory One of the biggest obstacles for all medium and small agencies to avoid is to devolve from an idea company to a job shop. A job shop just executes the work with no plan or strategy. Financial pressure has been so great for agencies …Read More
If you have read anything on marketing communications or spoken to a marketing company expert in the past fifteen years, you have heard the advice to develop “a story” for your brand. “What exactly do you mean . . . a story?” For a company’s brand communication, a story, on …Read More
Drone Laws to Now Video production is one of the key services we provide for our advertising and marketing clients. In the last three years, that has included Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS, or drone) video and photography. To protect our clients from lawsuits, we acquired a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) …Read More
I just watched a speech that Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) gave in June on YouTube. At the end of it, Vaynerchuk mentioned how certain companies and people have grasped how to leverage their brands in today’s highly convoluted marketplace. He said Will Smith is one of those people. Smith understands …Read More
First, let me offer this disclaimer: the following thoughts do not advocate any presidential candidate. These are our thoughts on how people react to current political media communications in the United States and tips on how to market our companies in 2016. Okay, we got that out of the way, …Read More